
  • Morin, L., Laurin, J. C., Doucerain, M., & Grégoire, S. (2024). A Multilevel Diary and Dyadic Study Exploring the Link Between New Parents’ Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction. Mindfulness.
  • Grégoire, S., Saules, G., Cyr, E., & Lachance, L. (2024). L’expérience d’étudiants universitaires ayant agi comme pairs aidants dans le cadre du programme Korsa . Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 1.
  • Maillé, S., Beaulieu, F., Lachance, L., & Grégoire, S. (2024). Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a Peer Support Intervention in Universities. Journal of College Student Mental Health, 0(0), 1‑24.
  • Doucerain, M., Morin, L. & Grégoire, S. (2023). Are daily intergroup interactions destressing? An End-of-Day Diary Study of Associations Between Daily Intergroup Interaction Proportion and Psychological Distress/Well-Being. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 95,
  • Morin, L., Laurin, J., Doucerain, M. & Grégoire, S. (2023). Dyadic Association Between New Parents’ Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Perceived Stress. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship. Prépublication.
  • Grégoire, S., Beaulieu, F., Lachance, L., Bouffard, T., Vezeau, C. et Perreault, M. (2022). An online peer support program to improve mental health among university students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health, Prépublication.
  • Landry, F. et Grégoire, S. (2021). Accompagner les étudiants postsecondaires qui vivent de l’anxiété de performance à l’aide de l’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 42(3), 97–114.
  • Grégoire, S., Doucerain, M., Morin, L. et Finkelstein-Foxd, L. (2021). The relationship between value-based actions, psychological distress and well-being: A multilevel diary study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 79–88.
  • Grégoire, S., Chénier, C., Doucerain, M., Lachance, L. et Shankland, R. (2020). Ecological Momentary Assessment of Stress, Well-Being, and Psychological Flexibility Among College and University Students During Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, Prépublication.
  • Nedelcu, A. et Grégoire, S. (2020). Evaluating the Implementation of an Intervention Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Postsecondary Institutions. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy.
  • Morin, L., Grégoire, S. et Lachance, L. (2020). Processes of change within acceptance and commitment therapy for university students: Preliminary evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health.
  • Grégoire, S., Gagnon, J., Lachance, L., Shankland, R., Dionne, F. Kotsou, I.,… Rogge, R.D. (2020). Validation of the English and French versions of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory short form (MPFI-24). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, Prépublication.
  • Khoury, B., Grégoire, S. et Dionne, F. (2019). La dimension interpersonnelle de la pleine conscience [The interpersonal dimension of mindfulness]. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
  • Rondeau, K., Grégoire, S., Morin, L. et Hontoy, L.-M. (2019). L’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement : quels bénéfices les étudiants universitaires en retirent-ils ? Revue canadienne de l’éducation/Canadian Journal of Education, 42(1), 88–116. Récupéré de
  • Khoury, B., Dionne, F. et Grégoire, S. (2018). La pleine conscience incarnée : un concept unificateur entre les traditions orientales et occidentales de la pleine conscience [Embodied Mindfulness: An unified concept between the eastern and western conceptualizations of mindfulness]. Annales Médico-psychologiques, Prépublication.
  • Steiler, D., Tarquinio, C., Grégoire, S., Strub, L. et Kotsou, I. (2018). Les dangers liés à l’instrumentalisation de la pleine conscience. Ad Machina, (2), 73–84.
  • Baron, L., Grégoire, S., Rouleau, V. et Baron, C. (2018). Mindfulness and flexible leadership. Journal of Leadership Management, 37(2), 165–177.
  • Gagnon, J., Dionne, F., Raymond, G. et Grégoire, S. (2017). Pilot Study of a Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention for University Students to Reduce Academic Procrastination. Journal of American College Health.
  • Grégoire, S., Lachance, L., Bouffard, T. et Dionne, F. (2017). The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Mental Health and School Engagement in University Students: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 1–13.
  • Montani, F., Dagenais-Desmarais, V., Giorgi, G. et Grégoire, S. (2016). A Conservation of Resources Perspective on Negative Affect and Innovative Work Behaviour: The Role of Affect Activation and Mindfulness. Journal of Business and Psychology.
  • Grégoire, S., Lachance, L., Bouffard, T., Hontoy, L.-M. et De Mondehare, L. (2016). L’efficacité de l’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement en regard de la santé psychologique et de l’engagement scolaire des étudiants universitaires [The effectiveness of the approach of acceptance and commitment with regard to the psychological health and academic engagement of university students]. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement/Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 48(3), 222–231.
  • Dionne, F., Gagnon, J., Carbonneau, N., Hallis, L., Grégoire, S. et Balbinotti, M. (2016). Using Acceptance and Mindfulness to Reduce Procrastination among University Students: Results from a Pilot Study. Revista Prâksis, 1, 8–20. Récupéré de
  • Grégoire, S. et Lachance, L. (2015). Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Reduce Psychological Distress in the Workplace. Mindfulness, 6(4), 836–847.
  • Hontoy, L.-M. et Grégoire, S. (2015). L’influence de la présence attentive sur la santé psychologique des enseignants : une recension des écrits. Humain et organisation, 1(2), 9–15. Récupéré de
  • Grégoire, S., Lachance, L. et Taylor, G. (2015). Mindfulness, Mental Health and Emotion Regulation Among Workers. International Journal of Wellbeing, 5(4), 96–119.
  • Grégoire, S., Montani, F. et Baron, C. (2014). La présence attentive en milieu de travail : recherche et intervention [Mindfulness at work: research and intervention]. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 35(2), 117–134. Récupéré de
  • Grégoire, S., Baron, L., Ménard, J. et Lachance, L. (2014). The Authenticity Scale : Psychometric Properties of a French Translation and Exploration of Its Relationships With Personality and Well-Being. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 46(3), 346–355.
  • Grégoire, S., Bouffard, T. et Vezeau, C. (2012). Personal Goal Setting as a Mediator of the Relationship between Mindfulness and Wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 2(3), 236–250.
  • Grégoire, S., Baron, C. et Baron, L. (2012). Pleine conscience et counseling. Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 46(2), 161–177. Récupéré de